
Last modified by Benjamin Coppel on 2019/11/20 11:53

Welcome to Dodging Collapse

This wiki is a space to discuss methods and plans for intentionally stepping out of society before it collapses due to impending ecological collapse. Our community of collaborators is based in Melbourne, Australia.

Why XWiki?

There are so many ways to organise knowledge, why this one?

  • XWiki is easy to use with many features and extensibility
  • Interactive apps can be developed within the wiki, for example todo lists, calendars, etc.
  • It's Open Source software 
  • This current version is hosted freely on an xwiki community site. Eventually we can export the content and self-host our own instance.

How to Use It

For now it's essentially an organised resource dump and discussion forum. If you are interested in discussing or posting information about a topic which doesn't already exist, create it. Link to external resources and/or download them and attach here.

Eventually it may become more interactive than this. Have some ideas about how it can serve our purposes? Let's discuss.

The Basics:

To make the most out of your wiki, log-in and:

Use the button above to edit this page and start customizing the wiki.

Use the button above to add more pages to the wiki and create the hierarchy that best organizes your content.

Use the breadcrumbs located above the title to navigate inside your pages. It's easy to get lost in a big wiki without them.

You can also use the Sandbox for more demo content and generally a place to experiment with your wiki's features. 

Learn more on how to use XWiki with the Getting Started Guide.